Google Makes It Easier for Businesses to Connect with Customers on social media
Google has recently made it easier for businesses to connect with customers on social media. This is a great way for businesses to build relationships with potential customers and reach a larger audience.
Follow these steps to add social media links to your Google Business Profile:
Go to your Google Business Profile
•Click on the Edit profile button.
•Click on the Contact tab.
•Under Social profiles, click on the Add Social profile button.
•Select the social media platform you want to add.
•Enter the URL of your social media profile.
•Click on the Save button.
You can add up to 10 social media links to your Google Business Profile.
Adding social media links to your Google Business Profile offers the following advantages
•It can facilitate connections with more customers.
•It can assist in driving traffic to your website and social media pages.
•It can help build brand recognition.
•It can assist you in enhancing your online reputation.
If you have a Google Business Profile, you should include social media links. It's a quick and easy way to improve your online presence and connect with more customers.