Why happy couples don't talk about their relationships on social media?
It’s not strange anymore, when for most of people a post on the internet can have much more significance than what’s happening in the real world. We evaluate people based on their Facebook and Instagram photos and videos. And we’re often wrong in our judgments.
Here are the reasons why happy couples do not talk about their relationships on Social Media:
- People in happy relationship live in here and now
If things are going well in a person’s life and relationship, they just don’t feel like wasting time sharing stuff online to prove this fact to others. This doesn’t mean they never take photos and share them online, but their lives are already making them so happy that they have no need to be distracted by it.
- They will gain nothing by sharing their relationship problems online
Making all your personal problems public to everyone you know on social media is the least effective way for solving your issues. It will play an important role to make things even worse.
- Being really happy comes from a happy relationship with someone you love
The joy is to be found in being together, not in posting about being together and sharing evidence of how happy you are on your Facebook and other social pages. For people who understand this, constantly posting on social media has little appeal.
- And the most important thing
Researches have proven that people who don’t use heavily social media are much happier than those who do because they don’t compare themselves with others, with whom appear to be somehow happier. Sometimes we forget that all what matters are our real lives, our relationships, our experiences, and our feelings; and not the search for popularity online.
(Source: Inspired by Brightside.me)