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First Steps in Conflict Resolution

First Steps in Conflict Resolution

Managing and resolving conflicts can start with the following:

1. Make the good relationship a priority: treat and communicate with respect and do your best to discuss things constructively.

2. Listen carefully to the interests of others. You’ll get a better understanding of their point of vue and the reason behind every action and decision. Ask for each person’s viewpoint, and confirm that you need his or her cooperation to solve the problem.

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Emotional Intelligence...and then?

Emotional Intelligence...and then?

In order to understand why the Emotional Intelligence is important, we need to go first through the meaning of the Emotional Intelligence.

“Emotional Intelligence consists of the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict”. Thus, it has big impacts on different aspects of our daily life, such as the way we act and the way we interact with others.

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