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Photography & Mental Health

Photography & Mental Health

Brief Description

This Photography & Mental Health eBook covers why and how photography can be beneficial for our Mental Wellness while helping you grow your photography knowledge and creativity. Whether you are a seasoned photographer or just starting out, the ways photography can ease anxiety are at your reach. From altering perspective to influencing motivation and cultivating expression, photography can ride with you through highs of mental health, and support you in the lows.

  • A message from Gerard: “Feelings don’t make you weak, they make you human. Through the years, I realized that I have been suffering in silence and from then on, the world became a different place. That's when I realized that silence is the enemy of good mental health and that talking about it can be helpful for the people who are still struggling with it in silence or can’t seek help yet. As a photographer I decided to use my own experience and share how I was able to overcome my struggles through the years, and how photography played a big role with my mental health recovery. I know that through all the struggles many of you suffered some kind of depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any other type of mental illness yet many chose to suffer in silence. Now I will share some helpful ways that might distract you from your suffering and with time photography can become your savior, the same way it was my savior during my darkest days. MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS, so if you feel down, please don’t feel ashamed to talk about it or seek help. Many people might still judge you, but the right people will understand and be there for you...”

Topics to be covered

Module 1

  • Background
  • Message to the readers
  • Introduction to that link

Module 2

  • Perspective
  • Help overcome social anxiety
  • Relive memories with photos
  • Your camera is the ideal travel Companion
  • Getting out
  • See the beauty of the world through photography

Module 3

  • Allows you to reframe the world
  • Improves focus and life experiences
  • Play your way to happiness
  • Simple ways to get the creative juices flowing

Module 4

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